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Baby has the benefits of good sleep

The level of sleep quality depends on the length of time in deep sleep, deep sleep, the cerebral cortex cells in the rest state, prolong the baby's deep sleep baby will bring the following benefits:

To promote the growth and development of the baby. To promote the growth and development of children's growth hormone 70% or so are deep sleep at night when the secretion of.

The promotion of brain and mental development. High quality sleep on the baby's memory, creativity, mental state and so have a good role in promoting, so that they are energetic, quick thinking, attention.

The enhancement of immunity of the baby. Sleep can regulate the function of the human nervous system, improve the state of mind, enhance immunity, is the baby's immune defense against disease.

The storage for the baby. Sleep has stored energy, that is, energy reserves for the baby to complete the day activities. Baby if the lack of sleep or sleep quality is not high, there will be irritability, irritability, behavioral disorders, memory loss, reduced activity, but also prone to accidental injury.

The protection of children's mental health. Lack of sleep or sleep quality is not high baby prone to depression, irritability, anxiety, anxiety, depression, loneliness and other conditions, which will seriously affect the normal psychological development of children. High quality sleep is very important for the protection of children's mental health and the maintenance of normal psychological activity.

